call an electrician after flooding

Call an Electrician after a flood

An Electrician Should Be Called After A Flood

From: Southern Maryland Electrical Professions

If you have had a flood in your Southern Maryland home recently then you may need to hire an electrician. Having a flood in your home will make you think about safety first because it is a major factor. Water and electricity do not mix well. It can be a dangerous situation. If your homes wiring and electrical system have gotten wet due to a flood, then you should find a good qualified electrician to come in to your home and inspect the wiring and electrical box. And check for other problems you with the electricity in your home. Sometimes the wiring in your home will not need to be replaced after a flood. But to make sure a inspection should be preformed by a qualified electrician.

After a flood you should have the main electrical switch disconnected in your home for safety purposes. You should turn off circuit breakers and remove fuses. Unplug all of your appliances if they have been flooded by water. And then as soon as you can try and remove all standing water from your home. Try to dry out your home by opening doors and windows and drying up as much water as possible. Drying out your home is very important. All of these things mentioned should be done by a qualified electrician for safety reasons.

An electrician should be at your home to do the following things after a flood. A electrician should clean your electrical box and check it, he should look and see if there are any broken fixtures and exposed wire showing anywhere in your home, he should inspect all outlets, receptacles, fuse and breaker boxes, and replace things such as smoke detectors and thermostats that water has got to. He should also check all wiring that go to switches and outlets in your home. An electrician should be very thorough when inspecting your home for water damage.

Along with having a electrician come in after a flood to check all of your electrical system problems, you should have a qualified service technician come in to your home and check your water heater, heat pump, furnace, appliances and water softeners. Your electrician should also check for electrical shorts in your home and the grounding of all circuits. A electrician should test all circuits and replace them if needed. He should make sure everything is functioning correctly in your home.

When you have a flood in your home it is best to call an electrician to come out to your home and inspect your electrical system for water damage. The electrician will  make sure that your home is safe for you and your family to live in. Water and electricity do not go together. Water that gets in to your home can damage your electrical system and be a serious problem that only a qualified electrician is capable of fixing. So protect your family by having a electrician repair and replace any faulty electrical problems in your home caused by water damage.

If you’ve had a flood call your Southern MD electrical professionals, Buckler Electric